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Experience our new handmade collection of Intention Activated Orgonites!


As we mentioned there is a learning curve so our pieces still have some imperfections. Please note that the tip of this pyramid must have evaporated into the cosmos.


Orgones are made of a resin and usually copper to begin with. Then there are an unlimited number of combinations of crystals or ones alone that are also included. Orgones -Help heal energy blockages  Protect the body from Electro Magnetic Radiation -Aids spiritual growth -Accelerates plant growth


Copper - All Chakras—Conducts & enhances other stones vibrations -Helps one gain spiritual perspective on emotional experiences -Creates a channel for & grounding of higher vibrations Supports blood, aids tissue repair & increases vitality


Shungite - All Chakras—The human bio-field has an electromagnetic nature. Radiation suppresses the bio-field and influences pathogens to organisms. Shungite completely neutralizes the harmful effects of EMR which attack ones energetic balance, ones health. Especially the way cell phones are held, ones cerebral and auditory functions. Shungite creates a field around itself, neutralizing pathogenic radiation and restoring the power to the person.


Selenite - Third Eye, Crown & Etheric Chakras- A great tool to keep one’s energy field clear, keep space/home clear of negative energy and clear crystals and stones -Clears energy blockages -Induces inner alignment -Inspires one to release insecurity & reach for ones desires -Facilitates healing, auric cleansing, upper chakra activation & spiritual attunement -Communication with the Higher Self, spirit guides & angels -Cuts cords of dysfunctional energy from the etheric body -Acts as a tool for enlightenment -Provides the link between spirit & matter



Shungite, Copper & Selenite Pyramid

  • The base is 2  3/8" X 2  1/2" T

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