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Experience our new handmade collection of Intention Activated Orgonites!


Orgones are made of a resin and usually copper to begin with. Then there are an unlimited number of combinations of crystals or ones alone that are also included. Orgones -Help heal energy blockages  Protect the body from Electro Magnetic Radiation -Aids spiritual growth -Accelerates plant growth


This set is with Shungite and Copper.


Shungite - All Chakras—The human bio-field has an electromagnetic nature. Radiation suppresses the bio-field and influences pathogens to organisms. Shungite completely neutralizes the harmful effects of EMR which attack ones energetic balance, ones health. Especially the way cell phones are held, ones cerebral and auditory functions. Shungite creates a field around itself, neutralizing pathogenic radiation and restoring the power to the person.


Copper - All Chakras—Conducts & enhances other stones vibrations -Helps one gain spiritual perspective on emotional experiences -Creates a channel for & grounding of higher vibrations Supports blood, aids tissue repair & increases vitality


The Platonic Solids are named after the Greek philosopher, Plato, who proposed in The Timaeus, that the elements were made of these geometric shapes. The strands of our DNA, the cornea of our eye, snowflakes, pine cones, flower petals, branching of trees, a nautilus shell, the star we spin around, the air we breath, and all life forms as we know them emerge out of these timeless geometric codes. Platonic Solids; collectively known as the foundation of everything in the physical world. The ancients knew that these patterns were codes symbolic our inner realm and that the experience of sacred geometry was essential to the education of the soul. Viewing and contemplating these forms can allow us to gaze directly at the face of deep wisdom and glimpse the inner workings of the Universal Mind. Cube = Earth —Tetrahedron = Fire —Octahedron =Air —Dodecahedron = The Universe —Icosahedron =Water +Also includes a Merkaba and Sphere

Shungite and Copper Sacred Geometry Set

  • These are approximately 7/8" in size

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