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Live Your Truth Bracelet   


This bracelet is to speak your intentions clearly and live your truth.


>Larimar - Third Eye & Throat Chakras- Only found in the Caribbean Sea, on the island of Hispaniola Tremendous benefit to the throat chakra, providing the power of clear communication, emotional strength & stability that enable one to speak from the heart -Feminine Power -Connection with Goddess energies -Aids in freeing oneself from unhealthy attachments -Aids in healing stress-related illness & throat issues -Promotes serenity, relaxation & strength of emotional self


>Amazonite -Heart & Throat Chakras—Truthful communication-Healing from trauma & arthritis -Releases fear of judgement or conflict, finding inner freedom -Self discovery -Harmony within oneself & among others -Awakens compassion -Empowers one in manifesting ones dreams & desires -Teaches one to speak the truth & to make what one speaks to come true -Helps with pain in the back and neck area -Has a calming effect on the nervous system -Holding an Amazonite and speaking what one wants to manifest can profoundly enhance ones ability to bring it into being


>Turquoise - Throat Chakra—Wholeness -Communication -Spiritual expansion -Self-forgiveness -Release of useless regret -Serenity -Peace -Helps one to restore depleted vitality & lift sagging spirits -Inspires one to act out of truth, compassion & forgiveness and aids in manifestation of those qualities -Carries a water element


>Blue Lace Agate - Throat Chakra-Helps one communicate ones deepest truth -Confidence in communication -Helpful for releasing negative habits of interaction and speech -Enhances communication with inner guides & connection with ones inner wisdom -Carry, wear or keep in your space if you struggle to express your emotions without getting upset

Live Your Truth Bracelet

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