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Experience our new handmade collection of Intention Activated Orgonites!


Orgones are made of a resin and usually copper to begin with. Then there are an unlimited number of combinations of crystals or ones alone that are also included. Orgones -Help heal energy blockages  Protect the body from Electro Magnetic Radiation -Aids spiritual growth -Accelerates plant growth


Handmade and built with Intention by Lighthouse Crystals


Tiger Eye

Solar Plexus, Sacral & Root Chakra—Balance between extremes -Discernment -Vitality -Supports hormonal & spiritual balance -Facilitates finding emotional harmony with others & harmony between people with diverse view points -Enables one to slow down -Calming -Brings luck and abundance -Manifests thoughts and desires Assists in accomplishing goals  -Lends one the strength to overcome fatigue or discouragement



Solar Plexus Chakra—Manifestation through will Activates the thinking process & clarity -Creativity Supports digestion, metabolism & weight loss Optimism -Decisiveness in difficult situations Creative imagination -The vibratory resonance of Citrine activates and harmonizes the second, third and sixth chakras (the three energy centers), all of which are necessary to the process of creative imagination -Through the second chakra, Citrine stimulates the creative function, the wellspring from which new potentials are born Citrine generates the human dynamo of personal will


Red Jasper

Root & Sacral Chakras -Enhances strength, vitality & stabilization of ones energies which leads to good health, balanced emotions, truthful expression and just actions -Encourages recovery from physical weakness due to illness -Useful in regenerating muscle tissue -Can enhance the effects of exercise -Supports the circulatory and respiratory systems Aids in releasing attachment to negative emotional or sexual experiences -Helps release all types of trauma Supports the rising of kundalini energy Helps enhance ones endurance and stamina -Also can work over time to increase the amount of chi or life force in ones energetic field -This stone carries a down-to-earth nobility that rubs off on the owner when present in ones environment


Carnelian -Root, Sacral & Solar Plexus Chakras—Passion -Creativity -Motivation -Self-confidence Good luck -Assists in finding ones mate -Supports detoxing from alcohol & drugs -Helps one gain strength after illness or injury -Is Pyroelectric and gives off an electric charge when heated—It is believed to radiate sexual energy from the heat of the body when it is worn


Copper - All Chakras—Conducts & enhances other stones vibrations -Helps one gain spiritual perspective on emotional experiences -Creates a channel for & grounding of higher vibrations Supports blood, aids tissue repair & increases vitality



Lower Triangle Balance Pyramid

  • The base is 2  3/8" X 2  1/2" T

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