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Handmade and built with Intention by Lighthouse Crystals




Heart Chakra—Aids in healing heartbreak -Love and compassion -Healing -Abundance -Supports the heart, blood and circulatory system -Opens heart to love, forgiveness, compassion and trust Emerald is the purest crystalline emanation of the Green Ray -Stone that most purely represents the energy patterns of the activated heart chakra Helps one to stay centered in the wisdom of the heart


Merkaba means vehicle of light. A Merkaba is made by combining two triangles (Tetrahedrons) which are a platonic solid. These together create a natural balance. Some benefits of working with a Merkaba -Expands ones awareness -Elevates ones consciousness -Increases intuitive and receptive aspects of ones mind -Recharges ones energy field

Emerald Merkaba

  • 1  1/4  inches 



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